The high prices of textbooks are one of the biggest problems of college students. While there are college courses that stick to a few basic textbooks, there are those which require students to buy new titles every semester. Science courses such, as chemistry, are usually more specific when it comes to the books they require their students to read. It becomes a heavy yoke for science students to keep up with the purchase of new sets of books every year.
E-books are the answer to college students' problem with costly textbooks. They are less expensive. There are online communities that offer students free etextbook downloads. You can also visit iBooks, Amazon, and other e-book retailer and search for the availability of your books. While they price their digital books higher than other e-bookshops, they are still offering considerably lower prices compared to printed books. For even cheaper options, you can try searching for etextbooks on online bookstores that also sell/rent used textbooks. Some authors also provide free online copies of their books.
You can find plenty of chemistry books online, from elementary to advanced chemistry.
If you are an incoming freshman who needs to have a general overview on chemistry, you can try Essentials of Chemistry by Soren Beier and Peter Hede or Fundamentals of Chemistry by Roman Elsair. Classics such as 1905 book An Elementary Study of Chemistry by William E. Henderson and 1922 book Practical Chemistry by Lyman C. Newell are also available online. Wikibooks also offer General Chemistry.
Chemistry students who focus on one branch of the science also have many e-books waiting for them online. You can find physical chemistry textbooks such as Introductory Physical Chemistry by David Ronis, and Physical Chemistry in Brief by J. Novak, S. Labik, and I. Malijevska. Biochemistry books include Structural Biochemistry from Wikibooks and the classic Practical Organic and Biochemistry by Melvin Calvin.
Analytical chemistry classic Quantitative Chemical Analysis by T. E. Thorpe is also available as well as Analytical Chemistry by F. P. Treadwell. There are numerous other titles for other chemistry subcategories such as organic and inorganic chemistry.
There are other helpful e-books ready for download such as Laboratory Safety for Chemical Students by Robert Hill, and Chemistry for Everyone: A Helpful Primer for High School or College Chemistry. With the wide range of options, practical college students do not need to spend precious dollars for chemistry textbooks. They just need to know how to exploit available etextbooks online.
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